Posted on August 2nd, 2006 by Rolan Batungbakal
bq. 4000 Out of 5000 visitors are using Internet Explorer
That’s why Internet Explorer is still the best of all and the best to view overlayed profiles
So, use Internet Explorer now!
IE Beta7 available for download at Microsoft!
IE Statistics are based on user visits in our forum.
I use IE just to know how it feels to get exploited.
Image was from an IE fan 😛 . Thanks rjene! You really love ~to kill~ IE. 😛
Posted on August 1st, 2006 by Rolan Batungbakal
# It gives you that nice, warm feeling for being able to help other people and also makes you feel that you’re worth something.
# You can help yourself come up with a solution to a problem that stomped you for the past few days.
Hey wait I minute! The advice I gave to you… that’s what I’m looking for! Aw shucks! Thank you for making me think. I’ve been very stupid these past few days 🙁
Posted on July 18th, 2006 by Rolan Batungbakal
I was laughing my ass off while I was reading this article about “The top 10 unintentionally worst company URLs”: .
It’s really hard to get a decent and suitable domain name nowadays.
Posted on July 18th, 2006 by Rolan Batungbakal
I had this seemingly undetectable bug on one application I made using javascript. It was running fine on Firefox, no errors or warnings. But when my client checked it out the page wasn’t working. I wasn’t able to test it on IE right away since I only have Firefox installed on my office PC (which is running on Linux with no Wine installed). After arriving home, I looked at the page using IE and yes, the app wasn’t working. It took me the whole night to figure out what was going wrong. I forgot what error message IE was giving me. The only thing I remember is that it doesn’t much about the problem. I read the code one more time, checking for any uninitialized variable or something that I might have overlooked. I was doubtful that it was suffering from cross-browser problems, since I relied mainly on Prototype‘s nice collection of thingies that were already tested for cross-browser compatibility.
I loaded my javascript file on my editor (ConTEXT) and began reading the code again. Half-way through the code, I saw a trailing comma inside an object definition. It kinda looked like this:
someClass.prototype =
someFunction: function()
// do something
anotherFunction: function()
// do another thing
I almost didn’t notice it. If it wasn’t for the big font I’ve set on my editor, I’d be rewriting a large chunk of my app. Hmmm… looks like Firefox is kind to orphan commas.
Posted on July 14th, 2006 by Rolan Batungbakal
Hooray! I thought that I wouldn’t be able to put this site up. Been really busy these past weeks. Aside from work, I’m also reviewing for the coming Geodetic Engineer Licensure Examination on September. I had to follow a new schedule: work from around 7/8 am to 3/4pm to attend review classes that starts at 530pm until 930pm. Oh, man! I only get around 4 hours of sleep every night (or make that morning, since I sleep from 12am to 4am, Mondays to Fridays).
Anyway, welcome to my homepage. And what is this all about? Ummm… I think I need to create an “About” page.