A little break
It’s saturday. But I’m still working. Nope, not that I’m forced to work or something, I’m just in the mood to work. Besides, I (kind of) set a deadline for the project I’m working on. I want to get it fully-functioning as early as possible because I’m planning to spice things up a bit and add a taste of Web 2.0 to it. After all, it’s my first official work project so I want it to be something that I can be proud of.
I’m also bored at home and too lazy to go out. It’s just one of those days that you don’t want to move your muscles too much. I’d rather sit here infront of my PC staring at the monitor all-day long. I wanted to know more about and learn how to use “mootools (An ultra-compact Javascript Framework)”:http://mootools.net. I’m planning to use it in my project for cool and usable effects but I won’t be able to until I finish some tasks. Hmmm… I’m kinda like off-setting my work for monday. Since grade school, monday is my laziest day, when I am at my most unproductive state. I’m working now just in case I catch the monday-sickness.
Whoops.. I can’t think what to add… maybe I should get back to work.
Oiya! Balita ko addict ka sa Cake :p